Training and Education: Goals

1. The ELO program represents a fully interactive Indonesian and international team approach to the design and implementation of the experiment, as well as to the data analysis activity. Indonesian scientists will gain experience in their capability and proficiency in the handling of a variety of modern atmospheric and oceanographic instruments and datasets.

2. Data collection training will be accomplished during the IOP, as the Indonesian and foreign scientists will work together. Data analysis training will be provided from 2019 to 2020 by short visits to the participating research labs in the United States, United Kingdom and Poland and/or through a joint workshop to be held in Indonesia at the conclusion of the IOP field phase in 2020.

3. Provide practical training of glider use and deployment in the field.

Achievments to date

Seaglider training at University of East Anglia-January 2019

Seaglider data processing - January-May 2019

Floodings and Convectively Coupled Kelvin - crowdsourcing and newspaper databases 2018-2019

CCKW Forecasting for Indonesian region - ELO members and Thierry Lefort (Meteo-France) 2019